FORTHCOMING CONCERTS (in chronological order)

15th, November 2019
Barnacles plays Brakhage + Matteo Uggeri Video Showcase

+ Giona Vinti + Paolo Ielasi

Arci Blob (Arcore - MB)

23th, November 2019
Sparkle in Grey


5th, Dicembre 2019
Nocturnal Emissions + Barnacles plays Brakhage

Macao (Milan)



PAST CONCERTS (in reverse chronological order)


20th, June 2019
Barnacles plays Brakhage

Pesaro Film Festival

1st, June 2019
Matteo Uggeri Live with AIPS Collective

L'Arte della Sostenibilità - Festival - Siena

+ Francesco Giannico / Giulio Aldinucci / Alessio Ballerini



25th, May 2018
Barnacles plays Brakhage

Cinema Beltrate - Milano

12th, January 2018
Sparkle in Grey + My Dear Killer
Circolo Gagarin, Busto Arsizio



2nd, December 2017
Sparkle in Grey + Waswas // Vedonero // per lo sportello migranti
Arci Blob (Arcore - MB)

20th, October 2017

Magazzino sul Po - Torino

+ Sebastiano Carghini / Mark Eitzel post-event



19th, July 2017

Athmos Café - VIVA ITALIA, Milano

2nd, June 2017

Zuma Fest, Milano

12th, March 2017
Maurizio Abate & Matteo Uggeri

VOLUME, Milano

5th, November 2016
Sparkle in Grey + TBA
Ligera, Milano

28th, September 2016
Contagious Orgasm + Simon Crab [Bourbonese Qualk] + Tzii + RXSTNZ + Barnacles [Matteo Uggeri]

Macao, Milano

24th, September 2016
Sparkle in Grey

Arci ScuotiVento, Monza

17th, September 2016
James Senese + Attilio Novellino & Matteo Uggeri

Settembre al Parco, Catanzaro





6th, April 2016
Sparkle in Grey + Riccardo Sinigallia + Satan is My Brother + Maurizo Marsico

Solchi sperimentali Italia  

8th, September 2015
Lawrence English + Matteo Uggeri

, (Milano)
By Plunge + Basemental 

23th, May 2015
Sparkle in Grey

Musica nelle Valli, festival (San Martino Spino)

+ Egle Sommacal + Paul Beauchamps + Powerdove + Giovanni Succi + many others...
Join the event

29th, May 2015
Sparkle in Grey

Cascina Valdapozzo (Quargneto - AL)

Join the event

30th, May 2015
Matteo Uggeri

Archaea / Medionauta
, (Milano)
+ Occulto Night + Maurizio Abate





18th, December 2014:
Sparkle in Grey

Libero Pensiero
, (Lecco)
Join the event

1st, February 2014:
AIPS Collective

Spazio O'
, (Milano)
Installation by: Franz Rosati, Ennio Mazzon, Gianmarco Delre
Three live sets by: :: Lemures (Enrico Coniglio + Giovanni Lami) :: Alberto Boccardi + Ennio Mazzon + Franz Rosati + Pietro Riparbelli :: Giulio Aldinucci + Nicola Di Croce + Attilio Novellino + Matteo Uggeri






6th, December 2013:
Sparkle in Grey

Casa in movimento
, (Cologno - MI)
+ Gigi Gherzi

Friday 18th, October 2013:
Sparkle in Grey

(Mezzago - MB)
+ Ozric Tenctacles

Friday 5th, July 2013:
Sparkle in Grey

Cascina Valdapozzo
(Quargneto - AL)
+ My Dear Killer

Saturday 22th, June 2013:
Sparkle in Grey

Arci Blob
(Arcore - MB)
+ Chuck Jones + BeMyDelay

Sunday 16th, June 2013:
Sparkle in Grey

Associazione Artemista
(Spessa - PV)

Saturday 15th, June 2013:
Sparkle in Grey

Casa in movimento
, (Cologno - MI)
+ Stefano Bruccoleri

Friday 1th, March 2013:
Sparkle in Grey + My Dear Killer

Sala Polifunzionale (Ass. Lo Sguardo)
, Bresso
+ OpijK_3






Friday 29th, October 2012:
"Matteo Uggeri & Luca Sigurtà present: Remote Control"

La Fabbrica
, Losone

Saturday 1th, September 2012:
Sparkle in Grey

Sala Polifunzionale (Ass. Lo Sguardo)
, Bresso

Saturday 1th, Sptember 2012:
Matteo Uggeri

Shake Your Soul Festival, San Martino Spino

Saturday 25th, August 2012:
Matteo Uggeri + Luca Mauri + Francesco Giannico

Nottenera, Serra de' Conti

Friday 20th, April 2012:
Sparkle in Grey

Belleville, Genova

Saturday 17th, March 2012:
Sparkle in Grey

Metissage (Quartiere Isola), Milano

+ Christian Alati

Saturday 24th, March 2012:
Sparkle in Grey

Arci Origami, La Spezia

Saturday 25th, February 2012: "Sala d'attesa"
Sparkle in Grey

Ex-Ghiacciaia, Bresso

Parte dello spettacolo teatrale tratto da "L'uomo dal fiore in bocca" di Pirandello

Friday 24th, February 2012: "Musica da Cameretta"
Sparkle in Grey

Sala Polivalente, Vergiate

+ My Dear Killer

Thursday 23th, February 2012: "Poesia Presente - Diritto alla Poesia"
Sparkle in Grey

Spazio Espositivo Binario 7, Monza

+ Dome Bulfaro, Tania Van Schalkwyk & MATITA, P. Hensemberger

Wednesday 8th, February 2012: "Matteo Uggeri & Luca Sigurtà present: Remote Control"
Remote Control - video art project

Post Garage, Graz

Friday 13th, January 2012: "Matteo Uggeri & Luca Sigurtà present: Remote Control"
Remote Control - video art project







Saturday 17th, December 2011: "Mexico in Switzerland release party"
Sparkle in Grey

La Fabbrica, Losone

+ 6,41273

Friday 11th, November 2011: "11.11.11"
Sparkle in Grey

Arci Blob, Arcore

+ Harshcore, TourdeForce, Sandro Codazzi, MyDearKiller

Saturday 2th, July: "Matteo Uggeri & Luca Sigurtà present: Remote Control"
Remote Control - video art project

Tagofest, Marina di Massa

+ Ninni Morgia & Silvia Kastel, Newtone 2060, Calomito, BeMyDelay, Mombu, Jalous Party and many more...
Saturday 28th, May: "Musica nelle Valli"
Sparkle in Grey

San Martino Spino


Thursday 19th, May: "Presentazione di In Pensiero": ACOUSTIC LIVE
Sparkle in Grey

Libreria COOP Statale, Milano

Saturday 14th, May: "No Harlan Spring"
Sparkle in Grey

Baraonda, Milano

+ Quasiviri, Ultraviolet Makes Me Sick, Kobayashi, Dresda, Three in One Gentlemen Suite, Bologna Violenta, Death of Anna Karina

Friday 1th, April: "Matteo Uggeri & Luca Sigurtà present: Remote Control"
Remote Control - video art project

Arci Blob, Arcore

Wednesday 6th, April: "Matteo Uggeri & Luca Sigurtà present: Remote Control"- CANCELLED!
Remote Control - video art project

Post Garage, Graz

Saturday 5th, February: "Thurdsay Night on Saturday"
Sparkle in Grey

Arci Blob, Arcore






Wed 23th, November
Gigantiq with Matteo Uggeri

Teatro Maria Matos, Lisbon

Saturday 25th, September: "Sonorizzazione di una mostra di Fabio Presti"
Sparkle in Grey

Viacavoursettantasei, Vimercate

Sunday 16th, May: "Spora"
Sparkle in Grey

Bloom, Mezzago

+ many more...

hue live image

Friday 12th, February: "Grayskull"
Der Einzige

Luogo segreto, Biella






Sunday 6st, December
Passo Uno feat. Matteo Uggeri | Hue

Neurotitan, Berlin

+ Claudio Rocchetti DJ set

orto Friday 27th, November
Sparkle in Grey

Orto Sonico, Giussago
+ Paramount Style (ex Girls vs. Boys)

Friday 2th, October: "Impro night"
Pss Pss Psss (featuring Matteo Uggeri on Trumpet)

Orto Sonico, Giussago

Friday 25th, September: "Festival Sprawl"
Sparkle in Grey / Harshcore

Arci Blob, Arcore

+ Madame P., Krell...

Saturday 8th, August: "Ypsigrock"
Sparkle in Grey

Castelbuono (Palermo)

+ Jon Hopkins, Davide Rossi...

Wednesday 8th, July: "Du Monde Autour Festival"
Sparkle in Grey

Du Monde Autour, Hôtel de Vogüe/Rue de La Chouette, Dijon (France)

3, 4, 5th, July: "Tagofest"

Tagomago, Marina di Massa
+ Quasiviri, MGZ, Comaneci, Scum...

Sunday 21th, June: "NoFest"
Sparkle in Grey

Spazio 211, Torino

+ Harshcore, Pss Pss Psss, Bob Corn, Bologna Violenta...

hue live image
Saturday 18th, April: "The Bujun Tour - 5"
Harschore & Der Einzige

Esposta, Verona

hue live image Wednesday 11th, March: "The Bujun Tour - 4 Sonntag Abstract"
Harschore & Der Einzige

Post Garage, Graz

hue live image Tuesday 10th, March: "The Bujun Tour - 3 Secret Show"
Harschore & Der Einzige

Secret location, Milan area - contact us to know where it will take place

hue live image Sunday 8th, March: "The Bujun Tour - 2"
Harschore & Der Einzige

Arci Blob, Arcore

hue live image Friday 6th, March: "The Bujun Tour - 1" - CANCELLED!
Harschore & Der Einzige

Centro Sociale "La Città di Sotto", Biella






hue live image Saturday 13st, December
Matteo Uggeri & Andrea Ferraris

Neoma, Milan

+ UR

Saturday 6st, December
Matteo Uggeri | Hue

Electronic Church, Berlin

+ Nicolas Weiser, Toru Tenda and Makoto Yoshimori

Thursday, 27th November
Matteo Uggeri | Hue

Ciboh, Milan

+ Paolo Saporiti, Mr. Brace

22th, November : "The Comfort Tour, pt. II"
Sparkle in Grey

Fanfulla, Roma

21th, November : "The Comfort Tour, pt. I"
Sparkle in Grey

Officine Sonore, Vercelli

Friday 5th, September: "The Holidays Hole"
Sparkle in Grey

Vicolo Bolognetti, Bologna

5th, July: "Tagofest"
Sparkle in Grey

Tagomago, Marina di Massa
+ Bachi da Pietra, Lucertolas, Satantango, RUNI and so many others...

28th, June: "Festival della Palude "
Sparkle in Grey

Centro Sociale Lughé, Lugo di Romagna

+ many others...

hue live image Tuesday 3rd, June : "Testing the Ago Machines"
Matteo Uggeri|Hue

Biko, Milano

+ Camusi, Harshcore

Tuesday 18st, March: "Sounds among the Banks"
Hue [Hue solo]

La Fabbrica del Vapore /, Milano

+ Yuri Gagarin, Christoph Hess|Strotter Instr..

Friday 14th, March : "La notte dei miserabili"
Sparkle in Grey

Arci Blob, Arcore

+ Freudi (Palustre), Luca Sigurtà & Fhievel (Creative Sources)






Saturday 1st, December: "Post-eLearning Live Event"
Hue [Hue solo]

Staalplaat / Le petit mignon, Berlin

Monday 10th, September: "The Wedding Concert"
Sparkle in Grey

Brusignone, Montesiro (LC)
+ Yakudoshi, Papìr Catastròph.

Saturday 29th, June: "ctrl+alt+can noise soundsystem"
Punck/Adriano Zanni + Andrea Marutti + Luca Sigurtà + Matteo Uggeri/Hue

Tagomago, Marina di Massa

+ so many others...

Sunday 10th, June: "Eastern Tour - step 2: Sonntag Abstract"
Sparkle in Grey

Post-Garage, Graz (Austria)

Saturday 9th, June : "Eastern Tour - step 1: Close to the Border"
Sparkle in Grey

Chioggialab, Chioggia

Sunday 29th, April : "Something like a rainless Spring tour - step 3 "
Sparkle in Grey

Caravaggio Music Club , Rigutino di Arezzo

Saturday 28th, April : "Something like a rainless Spring tour - step 2 "
Hue + Roberto Bianchi

Libreria Universitaria, Arezzo

Wednesday 25th, April : "Something like a rainless Spring tour - step 1"
Grey Sparkle showcase + Hue live

ModoInfoShop, Bologna

Saturday 21th, April : "The Big Sleep" (sleep concert)
Sparkle in Grey + Hue

FOA Boccaccio, Milano

+ Andrea Marutti, Figli di Diapa, Ornament and many others...

Saturday 24th, March: "We're the cover band of Sparkle in Grey"
Sparkle in Grey

Scalo 10, Milano

+ Paolo Saporiti

Sunday 18th, March: "Apocalisse Rock" (such a horrible name, sorry)
Sparkle in Grey

Bloom, Mezzago

+ Francesco Magni, Enzo Gentile, Massimo Priviero, Flavio Oreglio and more...

Tuesday 20th, February: "Back in 2007"
Sparkle in Grey

Esterni, Milano

Tuesday 13th, February: "Toys & Noise pt.2"
Hue [Hue solo]

Palazzina Esterni, Milano

+ Harshcore

Monday 12th, February: "Toys & Noise pt.1"
Hue [Hue solo]

Scalo 10, Milano

+ Claudio Rocchetti, Luca Sigurtà, Fhievel






Saturday 25th, December : "The Sparkling Christmas!"
Sparkle in Grey

Arci Blob, Arcore

+ Kontakte

Saturday 28th, October : "My Bundle of Files"
Hue [Hue solo]

Lab 12, Vigevano

+ Harshcore

Sunday 18th, June : "Foolmoon Festival"
Sparkle in Grey [Hue + Alberto + Cris + Franz]

Fullmoon Festival, Ronco Grande (Mariano Comense)

+ Kech, Drop the I, Killa Nation, L'age d'or, Senzar

Saturday 10th, June : "Blues per calciatori"
Sparkle in Grey [Hue + Alberto + Cris + Paolo Monari]

Finale torneo di calcetto, centro parrocchiale di S. Giorgio di Desìo

+ Manitù

Wednesday 10th, May
Sparkle in Grey [Hue + A. Carozzi + Cris + Punck]

RA.ME.MU.N.CO, Circolo di Mariano Comense

+ Punck

Sparkle in Grey "Winter is Ending" minitour (steps from 5 to 1 here):
step 5: Friday 7th, April : "Will Winter End?"
Sparkle in Grey [Hue + A. Carozzi + Cris]

Cooperativa Portalupi, Vigevano
+ Harshcore
step 4: Tuesday 16th, March : "A Birthday's Gift"
Sparkle in Grey [Hue + A. Carozzi + Cris]

Milk, Genova
+ UR and Blown Paper Bags
step 3:Saturday 11th, March :"A Journey into Yourself Festival"
Passo Uno + Studio Walden [with Sparkle in Grey]

Dauntaun Leoncavallo, Milano
+ The Fog In The Shell, Beyond the Red Sand, Clark Nova.
step 2: Friday 3rd, March : "Guest of the Stars"
Sparkle in Grey [Hue + Alberto Carozzi + Cris + Stefano de Ponti]

Spazio Scenico PiM, via Tertulliano 68, MI
+ Xavier Iriondo e Claudio Rocchetti





step 1: 24th February 2005  : "Prima della campanella: concerto per 60 bambini"
Sparkle in Grey [Hue + Alberto Carozzi + Cris]

Scuola Materna di Cernusco sul Naviglio (MI)

19th November 2005  : "Dunno - Live attempt Three"
Sparkle in Grey [Hue + Stefano de Ponti + Alberto Carozzi + Cris]

Afe Party @ Baraonda, Segrate (MI)

4th November 2005  : Inauguraz. della mostra di G. Brambilla - "Volubilis"
Passo Uno featuring Hue [Hue + Passo Uno]

Scalo 10, Milano

25th September 2005 : "Unexpected Call - Live attempt Two"
Sparkle in Grey [Hue + Alberto Carozzi + Cris] / Hue & Dur & others

Aperitivo Sonico @ Marmaja, Cusano Milanino

+ La camera dell'amore sonico

16th September 2005 : "A Quiet Place - Live attempt One"
Sparkle in Grey [Hue + Alberto Carozzi + Cris]:

CS FOA Boccaccio 003, Monza

+ The Fog In The Shell, La camera dell'amore sonico, Melloncek

29th April 2005 : "Survivors at Lab 12"
Hue, Luca Sigurtà and Fhievel

Lab 12, Vigevano

see here for more ( -> galleries)

+ aal, Punck, Nicola Ratti, Afeman and Madame P.






28th June 2003 : "iXem"
DER EINZIGE [Hue alone]

Firenze, Superfici Sonore

click here for a report of that festival (Italian only)
see here for some photo and info (


Grey Sparkle


Sparkle in Grey

Matteo Uggeri

Matteo Uggeri

Sparkle in Grey

Matteo Uggeri

Moriremo Tutti Records

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