Open to the Sea (Enrico Coniglio & Matteo Uggeri)
Raffaello Russo, Music Won't Save You Oltre due anni dopo il primo incontro, la cui risultante era già andata ben oltre la semplice sommatoria delle rispettive sensibilità sonore, Matteo Uggeri ed Enrico Coniglio trasformano la loro collaborazione in vero e proprio progetto artistico, ulteriormente aperto al dialogo con altri musicisti e con linguaggi espressivi sempre più articolati. Da titolo del precedente lavoro, Open To The Sea diventa la denominazione che contraddistingue le ellittiche parabole di ricerca dei due artisti italiani, il cui comune interesse per screziature elettro-acustiche e "concrete" si riveste di spunti cameristici, dinamiche irregolari e, ancora una volta, di contenuti melodici che si dischiudono ad accogliere l'elemento vocale. Non è tuttavia soltanto la riuscita commistione delle voci in otto dei dieci brani di "Another Year Is Over, Let's Wait For Springtime" a costituirne il carattere saliente: ogni traccia segue infatti percorsi diversi, che sembrano costruirsi in presa diretta e con lenta gradualità, spesso richiamando proprio il moto placido e costante di una marea. Mentre è ancora Lau Nau a segnare i passaggi più sognanti ed evocativi del lavoro, il lessico di Open To The Sea include via via l'austera declamazione da attore di John Guilor e il fascino inquieto di Romina Kalsi (Animor), fino a compenetrarsi con tenebre dai retaggi wave nel brano cantato da Dominic Appleton (This Mortal Coil, Breathless). Al di là del carattere impresso ai brani dalle parti vocali, sono le partiture strumentali che le supportano a spaziare tra gentili ricami acustici, profumati ora di obliquo (chamber-)folk ora di distanti sentori etnici, e cadenzate pulsazioni, tra orizzonti atmosferici percorsi da stranianti dissonanze post-industriali e improvvisati destrutturazioni jazzy. Opera quanto mai aliena dalle definizioni, "Another Year Is Over, Let's Wait For Springtime" costituisce fonte inesauribile di scoperta, offrendo un'infinità di dettagli e incastri minimali, nei quali immergersi completamente, contemplando lo scorrere di un tempo niente affatto convenzionale. Mario Biserni, SandSzine Iniziate con l'ascoltare Particles e ditemi se, magari con qualche lieve aggiustamento, non potrebbe far parte del disco d`esordio dell`osannata Billie Eilish. Si da il caso che la Eilish abbia ricevuto un`infinità di recensioni e articoli entusiasti, e il suo disco sia comparso in nuerose playlist di fine anno, vendendo un`enormità di copie e procurando alla sua autrice innumerevoli megaconcerti. Per “Another Year Is Over, Let`s Wait For Springtime” non c`è stata neanche una briciola di tutto ciò, qualcuno sa spiegarmi il perché? Sono 50 anni che ascolto musica e ancora non ho capito una minchia di come funzionano simili meccanismi e, di conseguenza, non sono in grado di influenzarli e/o correggerli. Questo disco, se ne avessi la facoltà , venderebbe tante di quelle copie da garantire una bella villa nei pressi di uno dei grandi laghi per entrambi gli autori. “Another Year Is Over ...” è il secondo capitolo del progetto avviato qualche anno addietro da Coniglio e Uggeri (vedi la recensione al link riportato sopra), progetto che, come spesso avviene in questi casi, prende adesso il nome da quello che era stato il titolo del primo disco. A essere riproposte sono le atmosfere soffuse e delicate, ma mai melense, del disco precedente, ma con molta più presenza di voci umane che cantano e/o recitano dei testi da loro scritti (tra i vari ospiti c`è Dominic Appleton dei Breathless, chi se li ricorda?). Dove non c`è la voce, o in aggiunta a essa, un violoncello o una tromba ne fanno le veci. BBC Radio Merseyside PMS Radio, 02.12.2019 Moor Mother – After Images Paolo Bertoni, Blow Up Christopher Nosnibor, Aural Aggravation It's new year's day, 2020. Like many, I've spent the last few weeks reflecting on the passing year: I usually do around this time, remembering where I was a year ago, two, three, five, ten years previous. Wondering precisely what I've got to show for it. that slow, sad, weight of nostalgia as the images captured in memories fade and curl around at the corners. Wondering: was I actually happier then, less prone to panic, or is this simply rose-tinting, psychological refuge in the comfort of the known, the life lived, rather than the fearful prospect of the unknown future? Such conflict, such dichotomy and dilemma. And so, another year is indeed over, and here we are, staring into the void. Teetering on the brink of the abyss of a new decade in a post-fact, post-truth world where the capitalist world teeters on the brink of self-induced collapse and global climate catastrophe. And there is no success like failure. We've failed as individuals, and as a species. The year is over… so what is there in prospect? Open to the Sea's new album, released late December, provides the soothing backdrop to my existential strife, and it's barely there for the most part. And yet, it's there just enough: understated, yet still clearly stated. The press release provides some useful insight into the album's origins and its creators: 'Open To The Sea is the collaboration project of Matteo Uggeri and Enrico Coniglio and Another Year Is Over is their second album. While Coniglio focusses on guitar, synths and other instruments, Uggeri adds samples and field recordings to create a soundcosmos full of tiny melodies and themes with appereance by some guest musicians on drums, trumpet and cello. That would make a perfect experimental ambient album with jazzy moments, but Uggeri & Coniglio push this release further by adding some vocals to most of the tracks by inviting guest singers like Dominic Appleton (This Mortal Coil) or Lau Nau from Finland.' Minimal post-rock forged from sparse piano notes which drift into a rarefied air, spun with subtle, near-subliminal swirls of ambience, and stammering, glitching beats that hammer like a palpating heartbeat rattling in a tense ribcage, and picked guitar notes waft into the ether. With different vocalists contributing to the various tracks, the tone and feel changes: 'Heavy Like a Falling Leaf' is soft, airy, yet poised, while 'Uninvited Ghost' and 'Crystal Dog Barks' feature a spoken word lyrical delivery, which in some respects changes both the dynamic and balance, and the function of the musical accompaniment, rendering the piece less a song and more of a narrative with instrumental backing. 'Duduk Confession' is hushed, brooding, with haunting strings and ominous hums lingering in the shadows, and on 'Tapes and Cows Pt 1', lonely brass wails softly over low notes to produce the most forlorn jazz imaginable. Scraping strings and frosty synth flickers accompany the deepest woe, which gradually evolves into warped space-age electro that melts into some warbling jazz trumpet. The penultimate composition, 'facing the waves' is by far the most conventionally 'songy' of the ten, with a straight-ahead drum rhythm and solid piano providing the primary instrumentation on a whispy indie/shoegaze work. The fading refrain of 'time now to start again' is sung by a layered-up vocal set and, unexpectedly, Interpol come to mind. The final song, 'Another Year is Over, Let's wait for Springtime', with its whispering dialogue and soft dulcimer shimmers and soft, snowy strings that glide smoothly into the darkest corners, reminds me of my urge to hibernate, but also the fact that everything passes in time and everything is cyclical. Yesterday, today, tomorrow – they're all points on a circle, and as linear as life lived is, as sure as birth and death, one year will follow the last, and so it will go on, whether we're here or not. In Memory of John Peel 06.12.2019 3:19 Our Weekend Starts Tomorrow Masks #MASKSBand – Single – Buzzhowl Records @buzzhowlrecords 2019 5:51 Snofelt (feat. Home) cacero lazo @mzunguzu regime of calm Submarine Broadcasting @SubCastCo 2019 7:33 Take your Honey (excerpt) Soft As Snow @allourbeasts Take Your Honey Mansions and Millions @MANSIMILLI f@MansionsandMillions 2019 9:47 Tundra Erotic (voc Heather Leigh Shackleton Tunes Of Negation – "Reach The Endless Sea" Cosmo Rhythmatic @CosmoRhythmatic 2019 2:24 la danza del brontosaurio Los Siquicos Litoraleños Medianos Éxitos Subtropicales Vol. 2: El Relincho Del Tiempo Hive Mind Records 2019 4:55 I'd Rather, Jack Teeth Of The Sea @TeethoftheSea WRAITH Rocket Recordings @RocketRecording 2019 4:20 Particles Pt1 (voc Romina Kalsi/Animor) Open To The Sea Another Year Is Over Midira Records 2019 2:35 Bell Jar of Whiskey Buck Young Buck II: Where Do You Want It? No Rent @norentrecords 2019 10:07 Fulfilment Centre Richard Dawson @richarddawson12 "2020" Domino @Dominorecordco 2019 1:37 Little Bugger BELINDA KEMPSTER & FRAN FOOTE On Clay Hill From Here Records @fromhererecords 2019 Jochen Rindfrey, Baby Blaue Open to the Sea ist ein weiteres Projekt des Mailänder Musikers Matteo Uggeri, der mir bisher nur mit seiner Formation Sparkle in Grey bekannt war. Sein musikalischer Partner bei Open to the Sea ist Enrico Coniglio, mit dem er schon früher zusammengearbeitet hat; hier agieren die beiden nun erstmals unter diesem Namen. Das Debüt mit dem Titel Another Year is Over, Let’s Wait for Springtime erschien im Januar 2020. Matteo Uggeri ist hier weniger als Musiker im traditionellen Sinn involviert, trägt hauptsächlich Samples, Field Recordings und weitere Klangeffekte bei. Sein Partner Enrico Coniglio steuert Gitarre, Klavier, Synthies sowie das armenische Blasinstrument Duduk bei. Dazu kommen einige Gastmusiker an Trompete, Cello und Schlagzeug sowie mehrere Sängerinnen und Sänger. Oder besser gesagt, Sprecherinnen und Sprecher, denn die Texte werden bisweilen auch gesprochen. Zur Musik! Die ist weit entfernt von dem, was man üblicherweise unter Rock, auch unter Progressive Rock versteht. Die - teilweise ineinander übergehenden - Stücke sind ihm allgemeinen recht kurz, wirken schon eher wie Klangskizzen. Dazu trägt auch die sparsame Instrumentierung bei; ein paar wie wahllos hingeworfene Töne des Klaviers, langgezogene Klangschleifen der Orgel, ein bisschen Gitarre, ein wie in Zeitlupe mäanderndes Cello - hier werden Langsamkeit und Kargheit zelebriert. Ergänzt wird das Ganze noch um die erwähnten Samples und Field Recordings. Ein rhythmisches Element fehlt meistens, nur gelegentlich setzt eine elektronisch klingende, Trip-Hop-inspirierte Rhythmik ein. Die kann auch mal etwas hektischer ausfallen (Particles etwa), was einen faszinierenden Kontrast zum ansonsten langsamen Klangstrom ergibt. In einigen Stücken werden dazu noch Texte deklamiert, meist in Englisch, aber auch in Italienisch und in einem Fall sogar Chinesisch (Crystal Dog Barks). Die Musik wirkt dabei sehr spröde, oft geradezu sperrig; richtige, durchgehende Melodien finden sich nicht, eher Fragmente davon. Manche Stücke könnte man glatt als Ansammlungen von Tönen bezeichnen, die aber auf seltsame Weise über eine Art von Struktur verfügen. Das gilt selbst dann, wenn sich die Musik vorübergehend in weitgehend freie Klänge auflöst, wie in Tapes and Cows. Vergleiche? Schwierig. Eine gewisse Verwandtschaft besteht zum Postrock der späten Talk Talk oder dem einzigen Album ihres Sängers Mark Hollis. Aber die Musik von Open to the Sea ist noch um einiges karger und auch avantgardistischer ausgefallen. Ein faszinierendes Klangerlebnis, das freilich erarbeitet werden will; hier ist schon einiges an Konzentration erforderlich. Bezug über Bandcamp, dort kann man das Album auch probehören. Michele Palozzo, Esoteros Adottato il titolo del loro primo album collaborativo, Enrico Coniglio e Matteo Uggeri tornano con la firma Open to the Sea per un nuovo album di delicato soundscaping intimista, ricco di tratti cameristici per pianoforte e violoncello, discrete tessiture elettroniche, chitarre riverberate e puntillismi glitch. Un ambiente musicale che ispira fiducia per l'abbandono a uno stato di rilassamento e dormiveglia, scevro com'è da uno stringente descrittivismo: l'orizzonte è con ogni evidenza quello della poesia sonora, che si riflette nella suggestione "letargica" del titolo stesso. Now adopting the title of their first collaborative album, Enrico Coniglio and Matteo Uggeri are back with the joint signature Open to the Sea for a new album of delicate and intimate soundscaping, rich in chamber traits for piano and cello, discreet electronic textures, reverberated guitars and glitch pointillisms. A musical environment that inspires confidence for the abandonment to a state of relaxation and half-sleep, free as it is from a strict descriptivism: the horizon is evidently that of sound poetry, which is reflected in the "lethargic" suggestion of the title itself.On the basis of projects such as My Home, Sinking and Sparkle In Grey, by now the Italian combo is an authentic guarantee of good arrangement taste: and in fact here, too, return the contributions of caressing female voices such as Lau Nau, Romina Kalsi and Gaia Margutti, whose singing or spoken word "inhabits" each song with eclectic personalities but in full expressive consistency with the suffused colors of the album as a whole. "Facing the Waves" also features the special guest Dominic Appleton (Breathless, This Mortal Coil), before the ethereal closing of the circle, a whispered fade out that seals another gem of dreamlike atmospheric composition from the Italian underground scene. Roland Torres, Silence and Sound Formé par Matteo Uggeri et Enrico Coniglio, Open To The Sea fait preuve d'ouverture d'esprit à travers Another Year Is Over, Let's Wait For Springtime, conjuguant notes de guitare en suspension accrochées aux branches radieuses d'une électronique subtile et enchanteresse. Les voix (Lau Nau, John Guior, Romina Kalsi, Animor, Dominic Appleton, Gaia Margutti, Yan Jun) et musiciens invités, complètent l'ensemble, apportant une touche presque magique à l'album, entrainant la musique d'Open To The Sea sur des territoires étranges et poétiques où tout peut basculer d'un moment à un autre. L'atmosphère d'ensemble dégagée par les dix titres, navigue constamment sur les bords de falaises inquiétantes, aux flancs arrondis privés d'horizon. Sombres bien qu'accueillantes, les ambiances plongent dans des mers troubles, ballotées par des vents expérimentaux chargés d'effluves jazz et de pop cosmique. Passionnant. Byte FM Knuspern 01.12.2019 -
22:00 - 23:00 2. The Bureau Of Atomic Tourism -
Enjoying G's Presence 3. Devonte Hynes -
What's Next 4. Open To The Sea -
Duduk Confession 5. Dean Blunt -
Darcus 6. Ezekiel Honig -
Object Music 3 7. Steven Warwick -
Cold Light Of Day 8. Venetian Snares -
Fuck A Stranger In The Ass 9. Oto Hiax -
Dapple 10. Doon Kanda -
Search 11. FKA Twigs -
Daybed 12. Die A Little Bit feat. Ms Banks -
Tinashe 13. Octo Octa -
Spin Girl, Let's Activate! 14. Burning Spear -
The Sun 15. Alèmayèhu Eshèté- Telantena Zaré 16. Tinariwen -
Amalouna feat. Noura Mint Seymali & Stephen O'Malley 17. Burial -
Young Death Andrea de Rocco, Radio Sherwood Diserzioni Barbara De Dominicis + Monolyth & Cobalt: A Fading Memory Veiila: Exorcism Seyes: Beauty Dies Mr. Mitch: Jade Chiara Morucci: Drone (Vocal Version) Carla Dal Forno: No Trace Dark Arts: Autumn red Open To The Sea (Enrico Coniglio & Matteo Uggeri): Facing the Waves Breathless: Please be happy Henrik Beeke, Ox
François Bousquet, Ether Real Enchaînant les publications, sous son nom propre, sous des pseudonymes ou en collaboration avec d’autres musiciens, Enrico Coniglio avait un peu fini par nous décourager dans nos tentatives d’essayer de le suivre. Cela faisait donc six ans qu’on avait plus recensé de travaux de l’Italien, durée probablement trop longue et absence qu’on comble avec ce second album d’Open To The Sea, projet mené avec Matteo Uggeri. Les deux transalpins avaient publié, en 2017, un long-format sur Dronarivm, intitulé Open To The Sea, titre qu’ils reprennent donc à présent, sur Midira Records, comme nom de leur duo. Tout aussi prolifique que Coniglio, Matteo Uggeri avait été chroniqué sur ces pages l’an passé pour son projet Barnacles, au boucles tribales et drones puissants. Ici, c’est dans un registre nettement plus épuré qu’il coopère avec son comparse, se chargeant des samples et field recordings tandis que Coniglio officie aux instruments réels (guitare et synthé). Alors que, dans ce contexte, la tentation aurait été forte de livrer un disque de pure ambient travaillée, les Italiens font plutôt le choix de convier des chanteurs (six en tout, pour un disque comptant dix morceaux) ainsi que quelques instrumentistes, reprenant la formule déjà en cours sur leur premier effort. On se retrouve donc face à un disque « à invités », dans la lignée de ce que d’autres formations ont pu réaliser par le passé (il n’est, d’ailleurs pas neutre, que Dominic Appleton, présent sur plusieurs albums de This Mortal Coil, soit l’un des six chanteurs). Musicalement, cependant, la singularité d’Enrico Coniglio et Matteo Uggeri ne disparaît pas derrière les personnalités sollicitées, puisqu’on se trouve majoritairement dans un climat un peu inquiétant, traversé soit de spoken word (John Guilor sur le bien-nommé Uninvited Ghost), soit de voix féminines spectrales (la Finlandaise Lau Nau sur Heavy Like Falling Leaf). Même les trompette et violoncelle joués respectivement par Alessandro Sesana et Andrea Serrapiglio agissent dans un registre similaire, à base de grincements et interventions clairsemées, ou bien par des partitions s’envolant dans un ton plus free (Tapes And Cows Pt2 avec un intéressant dialogue trompette-rythmiques électroniques). Pour autant, l’auditeur se confrontera à un voyage singulier dans ces quarante-cinq minutes, à la fois un peu bercé par les différentes voix et instruments, rarement soutenues par des rythmiques, et un peu chamboulé par les changements d’atmosphères d’un titre à l’autre. De fait, le disque peut passer d’un titre très éthéré, avec juste des triturations et des nappes, à une proposition avec batterie réelle (celle de Simone Riva), chant affirmé (celui de Dominic Appleton) et guitare de Coniglio agissant en trémolo (Facing The Waves). Un peu déconcertant, ce balancement s’avère, de toute façon consubstantiel à ce schéma de disque « à invités » ; à chacun de le savoir avant d’attaquer Another Year Is Over. SÜDWESTRUNDFUNK SWR 2 Radiophon 00 Signet SWR2: Radiophon (Lontzek, Peter). 00:12 Deutschlandfunk Kultur Tonart Jazz 3. Stunde Nachtraum Mix - Morning Prayer Azanyah: The One - Praise Intro 0.24 RTE Raidió na Gaeltachta An Taobh Tuathai Dé Luain 20.01.20 Radio Regent The Moderns Lee Yi – Consequential Damage 0.00 4ZZZ Rusted Satellites XYLOURIS WHITE Tree Song Toneshift This week we have just released Episode 10 of our weekly podcast (sixteen in all with the Origins subseries, and others to come). You are welcome to listen (above) and please let us know what you think by Following the podcast or Sharing on your social media. We dug deep into the latest and forthcoming works from everywhere out there and this week we are featuring – links to corresponding labels take you to the full album (keep in mind, some of these are sneak peaks so a few may not be posted just yet): Coil – Futhur (Cold Spring) RTE Raidió na Gaeltachta An Taobh Tuathail Dé Luain 18.11.19 Dé Máirt 19.11.19 Dé Luain 25.11.19 Dé Luain 02.12.19 Dé Mairt 03.12.19 Dé Luain 09.12.19 Dé Máirt 10.12.19 IDA raadio Üle Heli, 04.12.2019 Susumu Yokota – Ama and the Mountain Cristiano Deison, Loud! Radio 09.01.2020 | We all disappear GRI / GUTMAN / MOSCONI - Grecale ("Uncoded Winds Below The Waves", Midira Records, MD068, 2019) YANN NOVAK - We All Disappear ("Slowly Dismanting", Room 40, RM4112, 2019) OPEN TO THE SEA - Another Year Is Over, Let's Wait for Springtime ("Another Year Is Over", Midira Records MD080, 2019) DRONE - Vitula ("The Stilling", Pomperipossa Records, PRLP11, 2019) MARTINA BERTONI - Blu ("All the Ghosts are Gone",Falk 1F/14 13/15/00-3C, 2020) PITA - Motivation ("Get on", Editions Mego eMEGO269, 2019) ELEH - Overt Too ("Living Space", Touch, TO:114, 2019) BJ NILSEN - ("Distant Brillance", 13, sps2034, 2020) HILDUR GUDNADOTTIR - The Door ("Chernobyl OST", Deutsche Grammophon – 483 7225, 2019) HILDUR GUDNADOTTIR - Evacuation ("Chernobyl OST", Deutsche Grammophon – 483 7225, 2019) Mario Ariano, Radioaktiv Open To The Sea nasce dalla collaborazione tra Matteo Uggeri ed Enrico Coniglio. Il primo, milanese, laureato in design, inizia a suonare nel 1996 ispirandosi al movimento industriale della fine degli anni '70, rimanendo negli anni uno dei suoi punti di riferimento; in tale contesto ha sviluppato un
crescente interesse per la melodia e le registrazioni sul campo. Another Year Is Over è un fermo immagine che descrive un momento di gioia, un momento magico che viene creato dall'istante in cui inizi ad ascoltare l'album. Radio Città Del Capo, Bologna Pangea 18.12.2019, 21.00-22.30 YORKSTON / THORPE / KHAN, The Shearing's Not For You, Navarasa: Nine Emotions (Domino) RCV Lille 99.0 El Réanimator Army Of The Universe - 1999 (SBCR Remix) - 1999 (The Remixes) – Metropolis 2017 Eldoradio Dortmund 93.00 Klangwelten #357 01. LIKE TOOTH DECAY (3:36) - Venetian Snares (Greg Hates Car Culture (20th Anniversary Edition)) - Timesig (dec6) re-release from 1999