![]() Barnacles embarks on an intense trip on the propulsive energy of "Air Skin Digger". The clear-eyed focus of the album makes it akin to receiving a caffeine buzz for at no point does Barnacles let up. Usage of samples, thoughtful creative riffing, wild unhinged rhythms, all of these come together in a way that feels highly unique. A gritty sensibility comes to bring all of it together for at times Barnacles has a potency to it that allows these pieces to truly shine. Strangely alluring, the rhythms truly rest in the very heart of the entire sound for at no point does Barnacles ever let up. While the nod to krautrock feels obvious, less obvious are the moments that reference soundtrack work, otherworldly ceremonies, industrial, noise, free jazz, even a little bit of drone entering into the equation. Neatly merging all of this together Barnacles creates their own unique aural universe. "How a slave, who had perpetually defamed me and desired to have me killed, was himself killed and eaten in my presence" opens up the album in a way that belies the oddity of its title. At first feeling akin to the album sort of 'warming up' gradually the whole of it comes alive, very alive, with percussion that pounces on everything in its path. A sunburned sort of spirit adds to the incredible heat of the colossal "Of the manner in which the savages ate a prisoner and carried me to the feast". Presenting a duality of sorts the multifaceted "how the savages ate the second roasted Christian, called Hieronymus". Easily the highlight of the album comes with the chaotic close of "My prayer to the Lord God when I was in the hands of the savages who threatened to eat me" which is oddly catchy in a way that becomes impossible to accurately categorize, as if purely timeless. Powerful and coming together as a singular, unified whole Barnacles delivers a spellbinding sort of whirlwind with the hypnotic "Air Skin Digger". http://www.beachsloth.com/barnacles-air-skin-digger.html Creaig Dunton, Brainwashed Barnacles, the (mostly) solo project of Italy’s Matteo Uggeri (also a member of Sparkle in Grey) has released two albums nearly simultaneously, and even though the approach to each are drastically different, the final product is entirely complimentary. With one culled from source material of previous releases and the other with the legendary experimental Italian artist and composer, there is a wide gamut of sounds here, but one that has the unified focus of Uggeri’s compositional skills. Air Skin Digger is the self-plunderphonic of the four lengthy pieces of complex, interlocking loops that are created exclusively from Uggeri's other projects with no other instrumentation included. Per composition there are also only four source sounds used. Even with these self-imposed limitations, the final product sounds far more complex and diverse. Opening piece "How a Slave, Who Had Perpetually Defamed Me and Desired to Have Me Killed, was Himself Killed and Eaten in my Presence" leads off with noisy loops and far off bagpipes (performed by Alberto Carozzi) that are cast atop a nicely drifting, echoing backdrop. Soon frenetic drum loops, originally recorded by Simone Riva, are added and the piece takes on a chaotic, but brilliant direction. Comparatively, "Of the Manner in Which the Savages Ate a Prisoner and Carried me to the Feast" is a bit more electronic sounding, and also more rigid. Synth sequences and guitar loops make for a tighter structure, eventually relenting with the inclusion of 4/4 kick drum patterns and what sounds like tapes from a riot. For the second half things loosen up as more drumming from Riva and distorted noise loops take focus. The final piece, "My Prayer to the Lord God When I Was in the Hands of the Savages Who Threatened to Eat Me," is a fitting climax, throwing a bit of everything together and it all solidifying amazingly. Franz Krostopovic's viola is mixed clearly to the front as Uggeri blends in some industrial sounding drum loops to contrast. The mix is great, joining in the slow, ambient passages with more aggressive rhythms. After an ambient breakdown he reintroduces those original sounds with the addition of actual drumming, ending the album on a strong note. Musica in 200 parole Anche in questa avventura Matteo non ha intenzione di porre l'accento su sensazioni particolari: Barnacles nasce per viaggiare a 360° nel vasto panorama musicale, per cui non sorprendevi se all'interno ascolterete sussulti tribal-techno miscelati a strumenti veri e propri, o (ultra)suoni e versi ricavati da chissà quale angolo remoto della natura. Tutto si fonde alla perfezione grazie anche all'apporto degli ospiti, che in questo caso sono gli stessi altri componenti degli Sparkle In Grey. Atmosfere da film horror, alte e basse frequenze, e tante percussioni: vero e proprio elemento cardine per un esperimento più ... terreno. Si eleva ad una natura più trascendentale invece, il terzo disco, a cominciare dal titolo. Con Maurizio Bianchi il risultato è originale ed estraniante. L'aria è fitta di rumori e manipolazioni, ed alcune volte pare di subire tutto ciò vivendo l'esperienza d'ascolto in incontrollabili continui (s)balzi temporali. Ascoltare questi brani è come fluttuare storditi tra passato e futuro, per poi cadere miseramente nell'ultimo vortice nero intitolato Unearthly Armagheddon Energy (vi lascio immaginare il risultato). Con queste (tre) premesse spero grandi cose in futuro, anche perché considero Matteo uno dei manipolatori contemporanei più interessanti, prolifici e versatili, capace di mantenere un livello di qualità sempre alto. https://200parole.blogspot.com/ Philippe Blache, IglooMag Matteo Uggeri is one exceptionally active and creative sound artist, working under various monikers, founder member of Sparkle in Grey musical collective and newly the originator of this project titled Barnacles. Air Skin Digger is a the second Barnacles studio album, the first offering has been reviewed on Igloo. Loyal to its sound signature, the project delivers here an intriguing, personal and creative musical dialogue between sustained organic textures, post-rocking drone ambient, processed cinematic interludes and breakbeat downtempo electronica. The album is developed as one long single piece divided in several sections. Once more the soundscapes are deeply singular and mirror Matteo Uggeri’s very peculiar ability to design experimental music as a syncretism, plurality, aggregation of styles. The result is ambivalent, enigmatic, always catchy, sometimes menacing, dissonant, lysergic, pulsating, depicting a state of stillness and progression with a hint of melancholia. Imagine an impossible musical cocktail between Stars of the Lid, Boards of Canada, Fennesz, Lech Jankowski and krautrockin’ guitar wizards Achim Reichel, Günter Schickert—with hints of groovy electronic exotica and you’ll have an approximate idea. Whatever the project he decides to be involved in, Matteo Uggeri can’t cease to surprise us by his capacity to renew his own sound worlds, incorporating new elements and challenging musical directions. http://igloomag.com/reviews/barnacles-air-skin-digger-alma-de-nieto Nicola Catalano (a cura di) e Paola De Angelis, RAI Radio 3 - Sei Gradi (Six Degrees) 10/9/2018 PINK FLOYD: Lucifer Sam BARNACLES: Of the Manner in Which the Savages Ate a Prisoner and Carried Me to the Feast. da Air Skin Digger FRANCESCO GUCCINI: L’avvelenata KATE BUSH: The Wedding List ANTONIO VIVALDI: Concerto per violino No. 11, Op.9 “La cetra”: II. Adagio MUDDY WATERS: My Home Is in the Delta TITO PUENTE & HIS ORCHESTRA: El cayuco Steve Mecca, Chain D.L.K. Hot on the heels of the review of Barnacles collaboration with Maurizio Bianchi we have Barnacles (Matteo Uggeri) latest work - 'Air Skin Digger,' an album of 4 long compositions made using only 4 sound sources per each, all cannibalized from other works done in his more than 20 year musical career by Uggeri or with his band Sparkle in Grey, or with other collaborators. No digital sounds have been used in the recording, but only instruments such as viola, bagpipes, trumpet, guitars, gamelan, and unknown devices. The four tracks all have lengthy, but ultimately highly descriptive titles. 1. How a slave who perpetually defamed me and desired to have me killed, was himself eaten and killed in my presence. 2. Of the manner in which the savages ate a prisoner and carried me to the feast. 3. How the savages ate the second roasted Christian called Hieronymus. 4. My prayer to the lord God when I was in the hands of the savages who threatened to eat me. The artwork by Uggeri himself is an interpretation of the woodcuts taken from “True Story and Description of a Country of Wild, Naked, Grim, Man-eating People in the New World, America)”by Hans Staden (c. 1525 – c. 1576), which compliments those track titles. http://www.chaindlk.com/reviews/?id=10562 Emiliano Grigis, Sodapop Torna Matteo Uggeri con la sua creatura Barnacles, che al secondo disco sulla lunga distanza cresce e mette a fuoco sempre piu’ la poetica e l’approccio musicale: fatta scorta in questi anni di campioni degli Sparkle In Grey ma non solo, come un novello Dj Shadow in salsa digitale, Uggeri ricompone suoni dando vita nuova a questi frammenti. Il paragone non e’ casuale perche’, proprio come succede con pezzi migliori di Dj Shadow, il tutto acquista una naturalezza incredibile e la differenza con un disco suonato “vero” e’ un qualcosa di impalpabile: nei quattro lunghi brani di Air Skin Digger non affiorano tecnicismi ma atmosfere e progressioni ritmiche molto interessanti. E’ proprio l’uso delle percussioni la chiave di volta che rende ancora piu’ interessanti i pezzi: elemento dichiarato già a tavolino da Uggeri (che dà l’idea di essersi dato un buon numero di regole compositive da seguire) i campioni di batterie non suonano per nulla come “incollati” o farlocchi e ben si sposano con le atmosfere create con chitarre, viola, cornamuse, trombe… musicalmente non siamo distanti da un ibrido di post rock ed elettronica ambientale molto melodico che suona vivo e accattivante. Completa il disco una bella grafica sempre tra il rosso e il nero con inquietanti illustrazioni cinquecentesche tratte da un libro sul cannibalismo, per un digipak davvero elegante. http://regenmag.com/news/regen-exclusive-artoffact-releases-collaborative-album-from-m-b-barnacles/ Paolo Bertoni, Blow Up Mario Biserni, SandSzine Secondo e terzo capitolo di un progetto scaturito dalla mente vulcanica di matteo uggeri Superata la fase della nascita e dello studio dell'ormai noto mostraceo marino, Uggeri giunge al secondo atto del suo progetto arricchendo di fatto quello che era stato l'one single sound del primo CD. Le immagini della confezione, riprese da un vecchio libro sul cannibalismo, secondo le note stanno a rappresentare l'azione di Barnacles che «cannibalised the source sound, which were made by other musicians», ma finiscono con il rendere l'idea di una musica molto più ricca, ritmica e tribale rispetto a quella del disco precedente. Pur non pregiudicando mai quel gusto melodico, essenzialmente pop, che è caratteristico di Matteo Uggeri, la giungla dei ritmi finisce con il rappresentare l'elemento caratteristico e trainante del disco, cosiccome nel precedente lo era stato la ripetitività minimalista di matrice dark-ambient. Nel CD in collaborazione con Maurizio Bianchi le atmosfere, pur conservando uno sfondo tribale, sono appesantite e si sposano con più decisione alla tradizione industrial (macchiata però da suggestioni orientaleggianti). "Sidereal Decomposition Activity", a differenza dei suoi gemelli che appaiono ben compatti, è un disco ricco di contrasti, a testimonianza di una lavorazione a quattro mani. Sfondi percussivi degni di una cerimonia tribale si contrappongono a celestiali figurazioni d'impostazione cino-nipponica. Melodiose aperture classicheggianti fanno da contraltare a sequenze meccaniche che paiono derivare dai ritmi di una catena di montaggio o a brighe noise come dal sollevamento di schiavi in catene. E, di nuovo, l'ingegno minimalista è dietro la porta. http://www.sands-zine.com/recensioni.php?IDrec=2230 Achim Breiling, Baby Blaue Mit "Air Skin Digger" legt Matteo Uggeri im Mai 2018 das zweite Album seines Projekts Barnacles vor. Ganz ähnlich verpackt wie der Vorgänger (siehe "One Single Sound") kommt auch diese CD in einem vornehmlich rot und schwarz (und auch ein wenig weiß) bedruckten Mini-LP-Klappcover daher. Das Cover und weitere Illustrationen sind übrigens freie Nachzeichnungen Uggeris, angelehnt an Hans Stadens im Jahre 1557 erschienenes Buch "Warhaftige Historia und Beschreibung eyner Landtschafft der Wilden Nacketen, Grimmigen Menschfresser-Leuthen in der Newenwelt America gelegen". Aus jenem stammt wohl auch der Text, den Uggeri für die Titel der vier auf dem Album zu findenden Stücke verwendet hat. In musikalisch-stilistischer Hinsicht ist auf "Air Skin Digger" Ähnliches zu finden wie auf dem Erstling. Allerdings ist die Musik deutlich rockiger ausgefallen, stehen E-Gitarrenklänge und Schlagwerk deutlicher im Mix. Die meisten Sounds wurden übrigens von älteren Werken Uggeris, oder von Sparkle in Grey recycelt, effektverfremdet, und ergänzt um allerlei Elektronisches und diverse Klangfragmente, Geräusche, Sprachfetzen und Field Recordings. Die Musik kommt diesmal deutlich rhythmischer daher, wirkt meistenteils wie elektronischer Prog, mit gewissen Bezügen zur 80er-Jahre-Musik von King Crimson ("Discipline"), was vor allem für den von hallenden und plingenden Gitarrenmustern à la Fripp bestimmten zweiten Track gilt. Streicherklänge sorgen im abschließenden Stück dagegen für getragene Kammerprogatmosphäre, im Mittelteil und gegen Ende allerdings begleitet von eher hektischen Schlagzeugmustern. Ansonsten arbeitet sich die Musik elektronisch hallend und schallend voran, hypnotisch-repetitiv, klangvoll, farbig angereichert mit diversen Soundfundstücken, treibenden perkussiven Mustern und instrumentalen Einlagen, ambientartig schwebend, vertrackt rockend und industriell-bedrohlich dröhnend. Das Ganze schiebt sich jedenfalls sehr abwechslungsreich und voluminös aus den Boxen, wirkt wie ein vertonter Patchworkteppich, ist dabei aber sehr homogen verwoben, und strahlt eine sehr eigene, postrockig-elektronisch-progressive Atmosphäre aus. Wer elektronischen Instrumentalprog schätzt, sollte hier einmal reinhören. http://www.babyblaue-seiten.de/index.php?albumId=17507&content=review |